calculate order of magnitude difference
Say if I have two Areas of size
a = 6 km$^2$ and b = 0.1 km$^2$
how would I find how many orders of magnitude one is greater or less than
the other.
So, the way I would work this is by saying that 0.1*10 = 1 and 1*10 = 10,
making a roughly 2 orders of magnitude greater than b. Is this correct?
What if I wanted to calculate the order of magnitude difference between
5.7 and 6.7? What would that equal?
Also, if both locations emit a radiation of a_Rad = 1.5, and b_Rad = 3,
i.e one is half the other, is it correct to then say that the difference
in radiation is related to the difference in area, where the relationship
in radiation difference is driven by the order of magnitude difference
between the area?
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